Search found 83 matches

by dragonfly
28 May 2009, 12:04
Forum: Til sölu - Óskast keypt
Topic: 100 Lítra búr til sölu.
Replies: 7
Views: 5946

er búrið með lok og ljós?
by dragonfly
20 Apr 2009, 06:02
Forum: Til sölu - Óskast keypt
Topic: fiskakulu búið
Replies: 8
Views: 7666

eftir hvad gerist, hmm ekki einnu sinni enn vil eg ad gera tilbod! :P
nei nei, eg er ekki "OE", petta er gefins, pad er rett hja sadboy.
mig langar losna vid kuluna, finnst mer ekki falleg ad setja fiska i pad, ser ekkert nema stor augad og burid er farid samt :D
by dragonfly
19 Apr 2009, 15:57
Forum: Til sölu - Óskast keypt
Topic: fiskakulu búið
Replies: 8
Views: 7666

fiskakulu búið

gefins kulu med 1 gullfiskum og sma sandi...
by dragonfly
02 Apr 2009, 16:50
Forum: Til sölu - Óskast keypt
Topic: [TS] 170 Lítra búr
Replies: 19
Views: 13129

dragonfly ég óska þér góðs gengis í öllu sem þú tekur að þér í framtíðinni. þú er ábyggilega fínasti kall/kelling og allt sem þú segir er frábært ;P takk :P drepa minn, vona pu getur sja heiminn og opna augun. vona pu hafa god lifi her a islandi eins og er... pu getur koma med mer i heimsokn, skoda ...
by dragonfly
02 Apr 2009, 13:01
Forum: Til sölu - Óskast keypt
Topic: [TS] 170 Lítra búr
Replies: 19
Views: 13129

forget 1 thing, about the 5000 kr. just want to see if you keep your words. You bid and you pay. and i will leave fiskaspjall as u wish! Really, need money to suppport those animals. would be nice if you donate to them!
by dragonfly
02 Apr 2009, 12:43
Forum: Til sölu - Óskast keypt
Topic: [TS] 170 Lítra búr
Replies: 19
Views: 13129

drepa, what is this? ég hélt að flestir útlendingar væru farnir af landinu útaf kreppunni, enn þeir leynast bara allstaðar eins og strumpar . gaman nokk það. is this not racism? _________________ jokli, you started it. I never mean anything bad, just saw somebody bid 25 pus for bigger tank than your...
by dragonfly
02 Apr 2009, 07:05
Forum: Til sölu - Óskast keypt
Topic: [TS] 170 Lítra búr
Replies: 19
Views: 13129

Hey kiddo, you bid me 5000 kr, right? You got it, so will you pay? Just send it to, they need it to save those poor animals... Ask them to give you receipt and post it so I can see it that you paid! Finnst mer allt i lagi ad birja med 25 pus tilbod, en ekki 2500 kr. Pad er donalegt. Va...
by dragonfly
01 Apr 2009, 17:03
Forum: Til sölu - Óskast keypt
Topic: [TS] 170 Lítra búr
Replies: 19
Views: 13129

Squinchy wrote:

Bíð þér fyrir að fara af fiskaspjall og aldrei koma aftur!_________________
Kv. Jökli
by dragonfly
30 Mar 2009, 10:43
Forum: Til sölu - Óskast keypt
Topic: live rock
Replies: 38
Views: 20241

Wow... sea Vs ulli !!!
How old are you both, if I may ask?

Ps. Terrible english... well, nothing could be done well with anger :P
Peace, save the planet and the fish :knús1:
by dragonfly
29 Mar 2009, 18:30
Forum: Til sölu - Óskast keypt
Topic: (TS) 150L (Komin mynd)
Replies: 17
Views: 14976

hmm... mynd? hvad segirdu um 20 pus?
by dragonfly
24 Mar 2009, 10:57
Forum: Til sölu - Óskast keypt
Topic: Long fin frankie danio
Replies: 1
Views: 2324

by dragonfly
24 Mar 2009, 10:49
Forum: Til sölu - Óskast keypt
Topic: seiði svart molly
Replies: 7
Views: 6630

seiðin eru komin með nýtt heimil
by dragonfly
23 Mar 2009, 10:21
Forum: Til sölu - Óskast keypt
Topic: Long fin frankie danio
Replies: 1
Views: 2324

Long fin frankie danio

eg leita svona fiska, kvk
by dragonfly
23 Mar 2009, 10:19
Forum: Til sölu - Óskast keypt
Topic: seiði svart molly
Replies: 7
Views: 6630

nei nei, eg selja ekkert...

BM= black molly
by dragonfly
22 Mar 2009, 16:38
Forum: Til sölu - Óskast keypt
Topic: seiði svart molly
Replies: 7
Views: 6630

seiði svart molly

pau eru 4 dagar gamalt. svo pinu litid enn og eru gefins. kannski allt i lagi bara i fotu med loft daelu a medan :P
by dragonfly
20 Mar 2009, 12:25
Forum: Aðstoð
Topic: Endler seiði
Replies: 10
Views: 7234

A 6-9 man, kellingar endler getur ad eiga sig seidi (olett/gjota) :P I alvoru. Pau eru lifandi bara ca 1 ar, 2 ar er i finu formi:)...
by dragonfly
19 Mar 2009, 09:49
Forum: Til sölu - Óskast keypt
Topic: Gold fish (gone)
Replies: 0
Views: 1782

Gold fish (gone)

I need to get rid of 3 goldfish. They are about 10 cm, yellow, orange and mix orange-white. Anyone? Ready to change to small fish, like cardinals.
by dragonfly
19 Mar 2009, 09:44
Forum: Aðstoð
Topic: Endler seiði
Replies: 10
Views: 7234

No, I think Endler guppy grow faster than regular guppy. If you take very good care and not too crowded in that tank, should be done within a month or so... Remember, they are also smaller than reg ones :P
by dragonfly
05 Mar 2009, 08:31
Forum: Aðstoð
Topic: Ólétt gúbbý kerling
Replies: 15
Views: 12344

hugsa mer bara hafa karlar i burinu. er pad allt i lagi? eg meina, eru peir ekki elta annars, kannski hvort annad og vera hommi/ gay? :P
eg sed nuna 1 karl birjar ad elta platy min:(
by dragonfly
04 Mar 2009, 20:29
Forum: Aðstoð
Topic: Ólétt gúbbý kerling
Replies: 15
Views: 12344

olett gubby kvk min aldrei gjota bara dain :cry: pridja olett gubby kvk do i gaer... :P
by dragonfly
15 Feb 2009, 08:16
Forum: Til sölu - Óskast keypt
Topic: Er eitthver sem vill gefa mer fiska
Replies: 4
Views: 4757

viltu stora gullfiska? :D
by dragonfly
10 Feb 2009, 09:58
Forum: Aðstoð
Topic: pics and ?
Replies: 0
Views: 1794

pics and ?

by dragonfly
10 Feb 2009, 06:46
Forum: Til sölu - Óskast keypt
Topic: OE gubby seidi
Replies: 3
Views: 3716

nobody? no body is good enough to share? :D :P somehow, she escaped from gotburi, suddenly she was under the devider where the seidi should be and sure all seidi are gone!:( is she smart or so hungry? :P the first gubby kvk died with big belly and no seidi yet:( and now this... i thought gubby is ve...
by dragonfly
09 Feb 2009, 04:36
Forum: Til sölu - Óskast keypt
Topic: OE gubby seidi
Replies: 3
Views: 3716

OE gubby seidi

Is there any good people want to share their "gubby seidi"? My gubby kvk ate all her seidi. :( damn her :x Its okey to be small seidi...
by dragonfly
05 Feb 2009, 07:16
Forum: Aðstoð
Topic: hvað borða seiði?
Replies: 3
Views: 3371

ok takk, hvada fisk er artemian? alveg sama hvad gotfiskaseidi bordar? herna, hvernig egg? sjodid eda steikid?:) dry egg? how?
by dragonfly
04 Feb 2009, 16:50
Forum: Gotfiskar
Topic: varðandi got hjá black molly
Replies: 2
Views: 5183

seidi molly

hvad morg seidi attu?
by dragonfly
04 Feb 2009, 16:39
Forum: Gotfiskar
Topic: Skrýtið got hjá black molly
Replies: 5
Views: 7438

premature molly babies :( once, i had premature puppies :(
by dragonfly
04 Feb 2009, 16:35
Forum: Gotfiskar
Topic: Dauð gúbbíkella
Replies: 4
Views: 6827

wow, dugleg! eg skal lata per ad gera keisaraskurd. :) gubby minn do med risa stora bumbu en pvi midur engin seidi ut enn:(
by dragonfly
04 Feb 2009, 08:58
Forum: Til sölu - Óskast keypt
Topic: mig vantar lok á 40x20cm fiskabúr
Replies: 3
Views: 3100

seiði í fiskabúr, á einhver lok fyrir mig?
vantar aðalega lok en má vera með ljósi.
by dragonfly
04 Feb 2009, 08:47
Forum: Aðstoð
Topic: hvað borða seiði?
Replies: 3
Views: 3371

hvað borða seiði?
