Uv ljos 5 watt

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Uv ljos 5 watt

Post by sea »

til sölu Uv ljos 5 watt nytt enþa i kassa með öllu ,
nakvæmlega eins og mynd syna herna,
og sma auglysinga um ljosin her,
burstræð 200l til 400lt
selja 10000kr
What exactly is UV sterilization? It's actually a very simple process for removing (referred to as filtering) unwanted free floating microscopic water borne bacteria, parasitic, fungal, viral, algae, and other unfriendly pathogens out of aquarium water by exposing it to high intensity ultra-violet (UV) light. UV light has the ability to effect the function of living cells by altering the structure of the cells nuclear material, or DNA. The end result is the organisms die off, eradicating your aquarium water of these unwanted nuisances.
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Re: Uv ljos 5 watt

Post by sea »

upp með uv ljosin kosta nema 10000kr
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Re: Uv ljos 5 watt

Post by sea »

upp með uv ljosin kosta nema 10000kr
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