Pacu í búr með ?

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Pacu í búr með ?

Post by siggi86 »

Með hvaða fiskum er hægt að hafa Pacu með?
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Post by Squinchy » er og mun alltaf vera þinn traustasti vinur.

"Pacus seem to prefer the company of other Pacus, when they are small. But as they mature a group of Pacus would require a huge aquarium. So they are usually seen alone or with a few other very large fish. Other fish that are often seen in the same aquariums with Pacus are: Oscars about the same size, White Tip Shark Catfish, Plecostomus Catfish, and Neotropical Cichlids such as Firemouths and Jack Dempseys. Sometimes Pacus are kept with Arowanas. Pacus are also often seen in aquariums with Tinfoil Barbs, Clown Knife Fish, Snow Flake Eels, and Siamese Tiger Fish. Click here to read more about several other groups of compatible fish."

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Post by Gudmundur »

Pacu er einn af þessum fiskum sem eru fínir á fiskasöfn þar sem hann verður stór ég hef séð hann í 80 cm stærð og þá er 1000 ltr búr bara eins og gullfiskakúla
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