Sælir spjallverjar. Núna vantar mig smá ráðleggingar varðandi veiki í búrinu eða hvort þetta sé bara eðlilegt.
Ég er með 60l tetra búr sem ég startaði fyrir nokkrum mánuðum og er búrið cylað. ég er með um 30 guppy og það drápust 8 stykki í nótt.
Þetta lýsir sér þanning að þeir synda lóðréttir og það er eins og þeir séu ekki með neinn ballance. Það sést ekkert líkamlega á þeim. þetta virðist líka vera eins og það séu frekar ungu fiskarnir sem eru að deyja. Svo eru þeir líka að klóra sér aðeins á steinunum.
Ég skipti reglulega um vatn í búrinu þannig það er ekki málið.
Vantar ráðleggingar um hvernig maður tæklar svona.
Guppy að drepast
Moderators: Elma, Vargur, Andri Pogo, keli
Það er svo margt sem gæti verið að, en líklegast er þetta innvortis bakteríur sem leggjast á taugakerfið.
Gæti verið sjúkdómur sem kallast Columnaris
This looks similar to fungus, but is actually caused by one of two types of gram-positive bacteria.
Its causes are not really understood, but it may arise due to crowded tanks, poor water conditions,
inadequate filtration, or poor water circulation (aeration).
It manifests itself in the beginning of the disease as a whiteish area where the pigment appears gone,
usually on the peduncle or the body's middle area ("saddleback columnaris").
The guppy will later show difficulty swimming as the body slowly becomes paralyzed.
Most often this affects female guppies for some reason, and it is highly infectious --
it can destroy all the fish in the tank if the affected fish is not removed.
Tekið af http://guppyplace.tripod.com/Ailments.html
Gæti líka verið Sundmagaveiki
Swim Bladder Inflammation ("Head-Standing")
This is caused by a virus, which is highly infectious.
The fish stops eating and cysts are formed at the rear of the abdomen.
This distends the body and the fish appears to be standing on it’s head.
The body degenerates and chance of recovery is low.
The fish should be removed immediately and destroyed.
Tekið af http://guppyplace.tripod.com/Ailments.html
Mæli eindregið með að lesa það sem stendur á þessari síðu,
mjög fróðlegt.
Gæti verið sjúkdómur sem kallast Columnaris
This looks similar to fungus, but is actually caused by one of two types of gram-positive bacteria.
Its causes are not really understood, but it may arise due to crowded tanks, poor water conditions,
inadequate filtration, or poor water circulation (aeration).
It manifests itself in the beginning of the disease as a whiteish area where the pigment appears gone,
usually on the peduncle or the body's middle area ("saddleback columnaris").
The guppy will later show difficulty swimming as the body slowly becomes paralyzed.
Most often this affects female guppies for some reason, and it is highly infectious --
it can destroy all the fish in the tank if the affected fish is not removed.
Tekið af http://guppyplace.tripod.com/Ailments.html
Gæti líka verið Sundmagaveiki
Swim Bladder Inflammation ("Head-Standing")
This is caused by a virus, which is highly infectious.
The fish stops eating and cysts are formed at the rear of the abdomen.
This distends the body and the fish appears to be standing on it’s head.
The body degenerates and chance of recovery is low.
The fish should be removed immediately and destroyed.
Tekið af http://guppyplace.tripod.com/Ailments.html
Mæli eindregið með að lesa það sem stendur á þessari síðu,
mjög fróðlegt.
1x125L og 1x350L
1x125L og 1x350L
- EiríkurArnar
- Posts: 475
- Joined: 30 Nov 2008, 21:18
- Location: Garður